Saturday, December 20, 2008

A New Star is Born!

We cannot be more proud of our little Fergus (Joska Forgetmenot Idealist). At his first show out (Dec 14th) at the age of 6 months, Fergus wins 3 points (BOW) and move all the way up to a BEST PUPPY IN SHOW in stiff puppy competition!!! Way to go Fergus!! Thank you to Jodi Allward (Winterbourne Whippets) for once again doing an amazing job handling one of our dogs. Fergus is out of our Polish Import Pol.Can.Ch. Tylko Ty Viking's Pride out of our Can.Ch.Forgetmenot Famously.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!!! C'est donc bien hot ça !!! Surper super super !!! Félicitation !!! Je suis vraiment contente pour toi !!! WOWOOWOW ;-)